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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
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3M™ Sun Control Film Neutral 35 is designed for use on the inside surface of windows. Unlike other sun control solutions, this film reflects the sun’s rays while allowing optical clarity to be maintained. Even distribution of the sun’s rays effectively reduces the effect of dazzle. Besides, the film significantly reduces the amount of UVA rays which are the main reason of discolouration.

3M Sun Control Films significantly reduce heat and create the balanced environment of the premises. Especially in summer months they help to reduce the workload of air conditioners and save expenses for energy!

3M Sun Control Films – an elegant way to use light and heat. Also special advantages of the films are retained: their transparency and light transmission. Simultaneously, depending on the lighting, the room is protected from curious looks from outside.

These strong flexible polyester films also help to protect from injuries caused by uncontrolled fragments of broken glass.

o Excellent solution to reduce solar heat gain keeping you cooler in the summer months.
o Reduces air conditioning costs.
o Reduces glare and discomfort.
o Helps preserve the appearance of furniture and fabrics.
o Has an abrasion resistant surface to maintain
a good appearance for longer.
o Easy to remove without adhesive residues.